a letter wandering around the earth


"wandering letter"の紙バージョンです。同じタイトルですが、話は全く違います。紙で話をつくる場合はコマ割りをする必要がない、ということに気づいたからです。
tegami.pdf (2921.5K)←PDFファイルをプリンターで印刷して楽しみます。

A letter remotes from a boy as sender wanders whole of world and season, and arrives to a girl as address.

It is a paper edition of "wandering letter". It is the same title, but stories are totally different. The reason is because I noticed that it does not have to show as frames when I make a story with < span id="eq00003g00018" ondblclick="eqDbl(this)" onmouseover="eqHi('eq00003g00018')" onmouseout="eqLo('eq00003g00018')" onclick="eqClk(this,'eq00003g00018')">paper.

If you print a PDF file with a printer and be able to enjoy it.

From making letter


Download  tegami.pdf(2.8MB)

作り方↓How to make↓

making letter